bellicon Color Edition 44” Rebounder Review

Do you remember the feeling of jumping on a trampoline as a child, the sheer pleasure, the sense of freedom and exhilaration? I have found that feeling once again. For the past few months I have been researching creative and fun exercise alternatives in lieu of a regular boring gym routine. One piece of equipment really piqued my interest, known by loyal fans around the world as the Porsche of all rebounders, the bellicon Color Edition 44” ($679) and I finally got a chance to see what all the fuss is about. Throughout the years I have owned numerous rebounders ranging from $70-$300. All of these rebounders shared some common drawbacks, namely that the mats and springs frequently wore out and needed replacement, jumping for a prolonged period of time was tough on joints, but most annoying was the squeaky noise, sure to bother anyone within earshot. However, my biggest pet peeve with these less expensive rebounders was the leg attachments.  After a period of time the screw thread connectors got stripped and were no longer durable and safe to use.

My bellicon arrived last week. I knew immediately upon taking the bellicon out of its box that this rebounder was unlike any that I had ever seen before. The frame is constructed with German precision made of solid steel and the mat is made from high-quality polypropylene rather than nylon or canvas. The mat is held into place with customizable bungee bands (5 different elastic bungee cords based on 5 body weight classes up to 440 lbs.) instead of typical metal springs found on most other rebounders.  What I really appreciated upon assembling the 6 legs was the attention to detail and fine craftsmanship. The screwing leg mounts were solid and deep, lined up easily and screwed into the frame effortlessly. The bellicon sits noticeably higher than traditional rebounders (approx 13” versus 9”), but this additional height coupled with the highly elastic bungee bands, makes for a dynamic jumping experience, where you are able to get more air and the brief experience of weightlessness. One of the very best benefits of the bungee design is that not only does it allow for a cushioned smooth jump which is kind to your joints, best of all it is silent, not a squeak to be heard. The bellicon comes with a workout DVD that includes: Introduction, Safety & Setup, 20 Min Beginner’s Workout, 10 Min Advanced Workout, 25 Min Advanced Workout, 10 Min Pilates Workout, Balance & Coordination Workout, and finally a Stretching Sequence. The DVD is led by Katherine & Kimberly Corp from Pilates on 5th, NYC and there is definitely a workout for every type of fitness enthusiast. What is the one exercise that you will want to do every day? The one that is fun and fun it is!  I put my bellicon right next to my bed, and it has been the first thing that I have done upon waking up and before going to bed each night. It feels so good to use, is a wonderful stress reliever, and best of all, it is so enjoyable, not just for me my kids cannot get enough of it as well. This is the one piece of equipment in my house that is guaranteed to be used daily and not sit idly in the corner collecting dust like so many well intentioned exercise purchases of the past. You can choose from two models, the bellicon color edition and the bellicon Premium, which has a stainless steel frame.  Each comes in 39, 44 or 49 inch models, each also comes with a choice of screw-on or folding legs. You can customize your own bellicon here. (Reviewed by Meredith Fire-Hess)

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